Named the number of residents of Georgia who were allowed to leave for Turkey
4453 people received permission to leave Georgia for Turkey for seasonal work. This was announced on September 7 by the press service of the Employment Agency of Adjara. Follow the development of events in the broadcast: Coronavirus in the world: countries continue to fight the pandemic - Tbilisi closed the border with Turkey on March 15 due to the coronavirus pandemic. On August 3, after a series of mass protests in Adjara, the Georgian government decided to release citizens from the country who have an official invitation to work from Turkish companies. According to the official data of the department, 5309 people sent applications for permission to go abroad, of which in 856 cases clarifying requests were sent. Of the 2,963 Georgian citizens who received permission, they left for Turkey. It is worth noting that last summer up to 10 thousand people left Adjara for Turkey. The Georgian party Alliance of Patriots for the upcoming parliamentary elections comes with the slogan that Turkey's policy could lead to the annexation of Adjara.
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